The France of the Little-Middles
A Suburban Housing Development in Greater ParisThe Poplars housing development in suburban Paris is home to what one resident called the Little-Middles a social group on the tenuous border between the working- and middle- classes. In the 1960s The Poplars was a site of upward social mobility, which fostered an egalitarian sense of community among residents. This feeling of collective flourishing was challenged when some residents moved away, selling their homes to a new generation of upwardly mobile neighbors from predominantly immigrant backgrounds. This volume explores the strained reception of these migrants, arguing that this is less a product of racism and xenophobia than of anxiety about social class and the loss of a sense of community that reigned before. ISBN: 9781785332289, 1785332287
The France of the Little-Middles 1st Edition A Suburban Housing Development in Greater Paris Ebook
Marie Cartier; Isabelle Coutant; Olivier Masclet; Yasmine Siblot