The Founding Myth
Why Christian Nationalism Is Un-AmericanDo In God We Trust, the Declaration of Independence, and other historical evidence prove that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles? Are the Ten Commandments the basis for American law? A constitutional attorney dives into the debate about religion s role in America s founding. In today s contentious political climate, understanding religion s role in American government is more important than ever. Christian nationalists assert that our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and advocate an agenda based on this popular historical claim. But is this belief true? The Founding Myth answers the question once and for all. Andrew L. Seidel, a constitutional attorney at the Freedom from Religion Foundation, builds his case point by point, comparing the Ten Commandments to the Constitution and contrasting biblical doctrine with America s founding philosophy, showing that the Bible contradicts the Declaration of Independence s central tenets. Thoroughly researched, this persuasively argued and fascinating book proves that America was not built on the Bible and that Christian nationalism is, in fact, un-American. ISBN: 9781454933274, 1454933275
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