The Korean Verb – Structured and CompleteThe Korean Verb – Structured and Complete provides an in-depth, systematic, and structured presentation of the Korean verb and its verb forms, a notoriously complex area for learners of the language. The book presents learners with a method that simplifies the forming and understanding of Korean verb forms. The method is based on encapsulating the irregularities in the verb forms in three stem forms for each verb. After introducing the three-stem method, the subsequent chapters apply this method to the three verb classes, consonant stems, vowel stems, and ?-stems. The book has three main features: the three-stem method; the complete treatment of irregular and similar regular verbs; and a complete dictionary of over 200 verb endings and suffixes. Each is useful in its own right; together they embody a complete understanding of the Korean verb form. The book is of prime interest to anybody who is involved in studying or teaching Korean, and more in particular to the intermediate and advanced student who likes to have a systematic way to tackle all Korean verb forms. ISBN: 9780367266356, 0367266350