Theoretical Perspectives for Direct Social Work Practice
A Generalist-Eclectic ApproachThis expanded third edition of a popular textbook provides a completely revised and updated overview of the theories, models, and therapies that inform direct social work practice. The text is grounded in generalist social work principles and values and promotes a problem-solving model of social work practice as a framework for the eclectic use of theory, as well as for integrating the artistic, reflective elements of practice. It provides in-depth coverage of select psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, critical, and postmodern theories.The third edition features a new section on Critical Theories, where a new chapter on Empowerment Theory is included with a completely revised chapter on Feminist Theory. A new chapter on Strengths-based Social Work has been added to the section on meta-theories for social work practice. Other new chapters include Emotion-focused Therapy and Collaborative Therapy. These revisions are based on suggestions from an extensive survey of professors.
New to the Third Edition: A new section on Critical Theories
New chapters on Strengths-based Social Work, Emotion-focused Therapy, Empowerment Theory, and Collaborative Therapy
Updated research on the debate about the importance of theory/technique versus common (e.g., relationship) factors, and on the critique of the empirically supported treatment movement
Key Features: Grounds direct practice firmly in the principles and values of generalist social work
Promotes a problem-solving model of social work as a flexible structure for integrating the eclectic use of theory with the artistic, reflective elementsof practice
Organizes direct practice theories into like groupings and provides an overview of the main characteristics of each grouping
Provides in-depth coverage of topics in a clear, logical, and consistent format
Includes editors and contributors from the U.S. and Canada
ISBN: 9780826119476, 0826119476