Trial EvidenceWell-known and experienced authors, highly respected in the clinical field, Thomas A. Mauet and Warren D. Wolfson provide a complete review of the effective use of evidence in a trial setting. Trial Evidence, Sixth Edition is structured around the way judges and trial lawyers think about evidentiary rules, with particular focus on the Federal Rules of Evidence. Numerous examples show how evidentiary issues actually arise, both before and during trial. A logical organization follows the sequence of a trial: opening statement, direct examination, cross examination, and closing arguments. Law and Practice sections throughout the book are based on actual federal and state cases and bring real life to the law of evidence. The accessible style of Trial Evidence always focuses on practice over theory.The purchase of this Kindle edition does not entitle you to receive access to the online e-book, practice questions from your favorite study aids, and outline tool available through CasebookConnect. ISBN: 9781454870029, 1454870028
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